Fabian Schapals
Academic career:
Since 2021 doctoral studies at the Ruhr-University Bochum
Topic: Studies on early mining on the Iranian Central Plateau
2016 – 2020 Master of Arts at the Institute for Archaeological Sciences / Ruhr-University Bochum
2-subjects: Pre- and Early History and Economic and Raw Materials Archaeology
Master’s thesis: A stratigraphic and taphonomic analysis of the ancient salt mine of Chehrābad, Iran.
2010 – 2016 Bachelor of Arts at the Institute for Archaeological Sciences/ Ruhr-University Bochum
1-subject: Archaeological Sciences
Bachelor thesis: Ireland, Southeast Europe, Caucasus. A comparison of earliest firesetting methods from the 5th to 3rd millennium.
Academic positions and activities:
Since 2020 Research associate in the project: DFG-SPP 2176: “The Iranian Highlands. Resilience and integration in pre-modern societies: Mining Landscapes of the Central Plateau between Resilient and Precarious Social and Economic Strategies” in the Research Department of Mining Archaeology at the German Mining Museum Bochum.
2021 Research associate in the project: “To salt, copper and gold. On the origins of early mining in the Caucasus” in the Research Department of Mining Archaeology at the German Mining Museum Bochum.
2019 – 2020 Research assistant in the context of the exhibition “Death by Salt – An Archaeological Investigation in Persia” in the Research Department of Mining Archaeology at the German Mining Museum Bochum.