Early Career Workshop with Tim LeCain

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Extraction, Human-Environment Interactions and New Materialism in Past and Present

Early Career Workshop with Timothy LeCain

When: December 19, 2023, 16:00-18:00 (s.t.)

Where: Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Sitzungszimmer

Organization: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tina Asmussen

Timothy James LeCain is professor of history at Montana State University. His work focuses on the ways in which the New Material Humanism can help us to better understand the past and future of humans and the planet. His latest book, The Matter of History: How Things Create the Past (Cambridge University Press, 2017), challenges the conventional lines drawn between human culture and nature. LeCain’s first book, Mass Destruction (Rutgers University Press, 2009) focuses on the connections between open-pit copper mines, technology, and the natural world. In this seminar, we will discuss LeCain’s neo-materialist approach merging S.T.S. and environmental history in light of the participants own research interests and projects. We will read two short articles by LeCain in preparation.

Interested Pre- and Postdocs please register here: tina.asmussen@bergbaumuseum.de

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