Interweaving Resources: From Economic Hegemony towards a New Understanding of Resources

Interweaving Resources: From Economic Hegemony towards a New Understanding of Resources

March 11th -13th, Haus der Archäologien 


To register as an attendant, please send an email until March 7, 2025 to reform[at] (Subject: REGISTRATION).

About the Conference

The term “resource,” derived from the Latin resurgere (“to rise again”), has evolved significantly over time, encompassing a wide range of meanings across disciplines. Often understood through an economic lens, resources are traditionally seen as external entities to be studied, appropriated, and exploited for human benefit. This perspective frames humans as active agents, with the material world as passive receivers.

However, recent theoretical developments propose a relational perspective, viewing resources as deeply embedded in social, cultural, and material networks. In this view, resources are not only socially and culturally constructed but also inherently active, with physical properties and material affordances that shape interactions and outcomes.

This transdisciplinary shift calls for a holistic understanding of resources, addressing complex, non-linear causalities, such as those tied to climate change. Resources are never isolated; their use generates unforeseen societal challenges and opportunities, such as economic inequalities, unsustainable practices, and innovation races. Some approaches even dismantle the human-resource dualism, suggesting a flat ontology where all entities—human and non-human—share agency within entangled relationships.

Do we still need the utilitarian concept of resources, or should we rethink them entirely? Revisiting the notion of “living” resources may inspire science to connect material properties and their sensory qualities to humans and other species, deepening our understanding of (geo)resource interdependencies.


day time slot title session
Tuesday 11 14:30-14:45 Welcome Opening
14:45-15:15 paper 0 Resources alive?
Andreas Angourakis, Johannes Jungfleisch, Thomas Stöllner (Ruhr University Bochum / Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum)
15:15-15:45 coffee break
15:45-16:20 paper 1 Hydrogen vs. LNG - On the Handling of (Geo-)Resources in the Hegemonic German Interdiscourse. Empirical Observations on a Bifurcation of the Current Energy Dispositive Session 1: Resource Discourses of Modernity
Dorothee Meer (Ruhr University Bochum)
16:20-17:00 paper 2 Petrocultures of Progress in History of Technology Museums
Dolly Jørgensen and Nora Thorade (University of Stavanger / Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin)
17:00-17:40 paper 3 Making the Deaf Useful: The Human Resources Policy of Deafness in 1950s China
Shu Wan (University at Buffalo)
17:40-18:30 discussant 1 Imke Rhoden (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
18:30-19:00 pause
19:00-20:00 keynote 1 Cosmologies and resources across geographies and time periods Keynote
Shadreck Chirikure (University of Oxford)
20:00- reception dinner
Wednesday 12 9:00-9:40 paper 4 Active Matter and Cosmological Entanglements in Early Modern European Mining Session 2: Resource Cosmologies
Tina Asmussen (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum)
9:40-10:20 paper 5 Optimizing Spares: Paper in Early Modern Japan
Julia Mariko Jacoby (Hitotsubashi University)
10:20-10:50 coffee break
10:50-11:30 paper 6 Green Narratives and Colonialism in India (1860- 1900)
Shivangi Maindola (Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University)
11:30-12:10 paper 7 The power of the ancestral philosophy of Alli kawsay (Buen Vivir) in the indigenous movements of Colombia - Ecuador vs. the exclusion by the big mining development, contribution to the Rights of Mother Nature from the global south in middle of climate change
Vanessa Arteaga Bernal and Eduardo Erazo Acosta (independent / Universidad de Nariño)
12:10-12:40 discussant 2 Roland Hardenberg (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
12:40-13:40 lunch break
13:40-14:20 paper 8 The beginnings of extractivism: A perspective from the prehistory Session 3: Extractivism and Dark Resources
Thomas Stöllner (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum / Ruhr University Bochum)
14:20-15:00 paper 9 Unveiling the Interwoven: Small-Scale Mining in Peru, the Overlooked Aspect of Extractivism
Dorothea Hamilton (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
15:00-15:30 coffee break
15:30-16:10 paper 10 Investigating the dynamics of inequality, productivity and resource flows in the deep past
Adam Green and Simon Mair (University of York)
16:10-16:50 paper 11 From Humans to Resources: The Materiality of Precarious Migrant Labour in Agriculture
Johannes Jungfleisch (Ruhr University Bochum)
16:50-17:20 discussant 3 Jerry Jacka (University of Colorado Boulder)
17:20-17:50 pause
17:50-18:05 poster 1 Iron Age Settlement of Balitchi – Dzedzvebi: Ceramic Material from Pits - Storage or Disposal? Poster session
Anamarija Belošić (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum)
18:05-18:20 poster 2 Landscaping in Iron Age Siegerland
Carmen Stähler (Ruhr University Bochum)
18:20-18:35 poster 3 TBA
18:35-18:50 poster 4 TBA
18:50-19:00 discussant posters Tina Asmussen (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum) and Constance von Rüden (Ruhr-University Bochum)
19:00- Day conclusion
Thursday 13 9:00-9:40 paper 12 Resource use in past societies: From operational sequences to computational modelling through an archaeological perspective Session 4: Resource Metabolism
Dries Daems (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
9:40-10:20 paper 13 Integrating Urban Metabolism With Landscape Disciplines by Applying Technomass
Luis Inostroza (Mendel University in Brno)
10:20-10:50 coffee break
10:50-11:30 paper 14 Planetary Humanism: A framework to combine sustainable resource metabolism and planetary intelligence
Andreas Angourakis and Alex Shenderov (Ruhr University Bochum / independent)
11:30-12:10 paper 15 The metabolic rift: Why circular flows of resources cannot sustain contemporary society
Mario Giampietro (ICREA-Autonomous University of Barcelona (retired))
12:10-12:40 discussant 4 Harald Zepp (Ruhr University Bochum)
12:40-13:40 lunch break
13:40-14:40 keynote 2 Waiting in readiness? Reflections on resources and abandoned things Keynote
Bjørnar Julius Olsen (UiT - The Arctic University of Norway)
14:40-15:20 paper 16 Resources embodied Session 5: Resource Materiality
Constance von Rüden (Ruhr University Bochum)
15:20-16:00 paper 17 How resources become practical through active interwovenness
Frank Hillebrandt (FernUniversität in Hagen)
16:00-16:40 paper 18 The social and comparative dimensions of resource use: Examples from Africa
Thomas Widlok (Universität zu Köln)
16:40-17:10 discussant 5 Eloise Govier (independent)
17:10-17:40 coffee break
17:40-18:50 Plenary discussion Closing
18:50-19:00 Day conclusion

Map of Bochum


Andreas Angourakis – Ruhr University Bochum
Thomas Stöllner – Ruhr University Bochum and German Mining Museum Bochum

Milena Müller-Kissing – Ruhr University Bochum
Pia Patrizia Weber – German Mining Museum Bochum

and the ReForm Team