
Science Slam

We started the ReForm year with a science slam. The event took place on January 31 at the German Mining Museum in Bochum. Around 200 guests attended the event and the auditorium was packed!

The short presentations by Ronja Lau, Mitja Musberg, Mariko Jacoby, Annika Lüttmann and Nicolas Schimerl told entertaining stories about prehistoric clothing, stones in Sardinia, the samurai in Japan, what pizza has to do with Varus and how to document underground mines. After each presentation, the audience was given the opportunity to rate them from 1 to 10 points and chose Nicolas Schimerl as the winner of the evening with 92 out of 100 points.

Review 2023

There was a lot going on in 2023! We organized an international conference at the FernUniversität in Hagen, workshops for the PIs and scholars, lecture series and a panel discussion.

You can find a report on the past year here:

Advisory Board Meeting

On April 10, 2024, the Advisory Board met with our ReForm members. We answered questions about the Leibniz ScienceCampus ReForm and the planned SFB 1730. We are pleased about the constructive questions and suggestions and of course most of all about the very positive feedback. We would like to thank our advisory board members Edmund Chattoe-Brown, Timothy LeCain, Mark Pearce, Roland Schwab, Marie-Louise Bech-Nosch and Ute Wardenga for their time and commitment!

Changes at ReForum

Members of our “Early Career Academy” are now “ReForm Scholars”. All information on the new application processes can be found here

‍Upcoming Events

Sommer Semester 2023

Mining and Appropriation of Raw Materials 

The colloquium will take place on the following dates this summer semester:

  • 18.04., 16 Uhr c.t.: René Kunze (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg):Untersuchungen der armenischen Kulturlandschaft um das Goldrevier von Sotk und die Einordnung prähistorischer Goldobjekte in einen (über-)regionalen Kontext
  • 25.04., 16 Uhr c.t.: Miljana Radivojevic (UCL Institute of Archaeology): Earliest Metallurgy in SE-Europe
  • 16.05., 16 Uhr c.t.: Serena Sabatini (Göteborgs Universitet): From Scandinavia to the Levant: the Late Bronze Age Metal Trade and the Role of Nuragic Sardinia
  • 13.06., 16 Uhr c.t.: Markus Scholz (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt): Roms Gier nach Silber. Frühkaiserzeitliche Militäranlagen bei Bad Ems im Kontext des römischen Bergbaus
  • 27.06., 16 Uhr c.t.: Erez Ben-Yosef (University of Tel Aviv): King Solomon’s Mines? New Research on Copper Production in the Timna Valley
  • 18.07., 16 Uhr c.t.: Alan Williams & Benjamin Roberts (Durham University): West European Tin in Bronze Age

Students and interested parties are cordially invited. Further information can be found HERE.

2./3. May

Workshop “Siegerland”

Together with the LWL, we are organizing a workshop on Iron Age finds in Siegerland. The protective structure above the excavation area will be opened on May 3. This will give visitors an insight into the find site.

7.-11. October

Conference of the “deutschen Altertumsverbände” in Bochum

25.-27. February 2025

Save-the-Date: ReForm Conference

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