Review 2023

A lot has happened at the Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus in 2023. See for yourself:

Our Guests

Timothy Raeymaekers, Peter Oakley, Ian Hodder, Paweł Cembrzyński, Oliver Harris, Herbert Kalthoff, Christiane Schürkmann, Franka Schäfer, Stefan Schreiber, Reinhard Bernbeck & Susan Pollock, Stefan Laurin, Asli Sevindim, Simone Müller, Frank Uekötter, Timothy LeCain
zu den Vorträgen


The PIs published a total of 15 ReForm-related publications this year and are planning at least 9 more.

Conferences, events and talks

The members of the LWC ReForm organized a conference, a panel discussion, two workshops and two lecture series in 2023.

We started the year with an internal workshop on the topic of “Georesource entanglements”. We addressed the question of how georesources are interwoven with their environment and different societies.

The second highlight of our year followed in June. Constance von Rüden, Frank Hillebrandt and Johannes Jungfleisch organized the international conference “Resource-Event-Practice” at the FernUniversität in Hagen. Prominent guests such as Ian Hodder, Oliver Harris, Christiane Schürkmann, Franka Schäfer, Stefan Schreiber, Reinhard Bernbeck and Susan Pollock discussed questions of New Materialism together with our PIs. You can find a detailed report on the conference by Johannes Jungfleisch HERE.

After the summer break, it was time to take to the stage – at least for Frank Hillebrandt. Professionally moderated by journalist Susan Zare, Stefan Laurin from the blog ‘Ruhrbarone’ and Asli Sevindim, one of the co-organizers of ‘RUHR.2010 – European Capital of Culture’, got into conversation with ReForm researchers Constanze von Wrangel, historian at the Institute for Social Movements at the Ruhr University Bochum, and Frank Hillebrandt, sociologist at the FernUni Hagen. The group engaged in a lively discussion with the audience on the question of how resources are actively involved in social change processes.

At the end of 2023, we welcomed our first ReForm scholar and Advisory Board member Timothy LeCain to Bochum. He used his stay for research for his new book, but also took the opportunity to talk to ReForm researchers and students at lectures and workshops.

Our two PostDocs gave several presentations. 

  • Johannes Jungfleisch –  Nora Shalaby, Writings in Nowhere. Migrant Graffiti on the Borderland between Greece and Albania, goINDIGO 2023, International Graffiti Symposium, 14–16 June, Vienna, Austria (awarded with the best paper award).
  • Constance von Rüden und Johannes Jungfleisch, Eventful Histories: Thoughts on the Material-discursive and Corporeal Becoming of ‘Aegean’ Wall-paintings in Tell el-Dab’a/Egypt.
  • Johannes Jungfleisch, The Materiality of Precarity and Migration in the Eastern Mediterranean from an Archaeological Perspective, EAA 2023 Belfast, 30th August–2nd September 2023, Weaving Narratives, Theme: 4. People of the Present – Peopling the Past | Session #535: Precarious Living Conditions in the Past.
  • Johannes Jungfleisch, Archaeological Perspectives on the Materiality of Migrant Labour in Greek Agriculture, 20 years of Contemporary and Historical Archaeology in Theory, University of Patras, 3rd–5th November 2023.
  • Johannes Jungfleisch, Jenseits süßer Früchte. Zur Aneignung von Landschaft und migrantischer Arbeit im rezenten Erdbeeranbau Griechenlands, Ringvorlesung RUB Zertifikat Nachhaltigkeit ‚Klimawandel, Nachhaltigkeit und Zukunftsentwürfe‘.
  • Angourakis, Andreas. 2023. ‘Andros-Spica/CAA-Angourakis-2023: Simulation in the Age of Machine Learning’. Zenodo. Presentation for CAA 2023 Annual Meeting in Amsterdam (3-6 April 2023).
  • Angourakis, Andreas, Boenke, Nicole, and Stöllner, Thomas. 2024. Andros-Spica/EAA-Angourakis-et-al-2023: Disentangling georesourcescapes with agent-based modelling: the case of prehistoric salt mining at Dürrnberg, Austria (v1.0.0). Presentation for EAA 2023 “Weaving narratives” conference (30 August-2 September 2023).
  • Angourakis, Andreas. 2023. ‘Andros-Spica/CAA-DE-NL-BE-Angourakis-2023: Simulation in the Age of Machine Learning’. Zenodo. Presentation for the CAA DE-FL-BE joint annual meeting (13 October 2023), revisiting the presentation for CAA 2023 Annual Meeting in Amsterdam (3-6 April 2023).
  • Angourakis, Andreas. 2023. ‘Andros-Spica/IAMAHA-Angourakis-2023: Simulation, Machine Learning, and Their Synergy in Addressing Past Socio-Environmental Systems’. Zenodo. Presentation for the 1st international conference on artificIAl Intelligence and applied MAthematics for History and Archaeology (IAMAHA), held on 27-28 November 2023 in Nice, France, and co-organised by CEPAM, INRIA Côte d’Azur and I3S.
  • Angourakis, Andreas. 2023. ‘Andros-Spica/CEPHCIS-Angourakis-2023: Modelado y Simulación Basada En Agentes En Arqueología: Potenciales, Límites y Expectativas’. Zenodo. Presentation at the Permanent Seminar – Science and Complexity of Cultural Heritage (December 6, 2023), held hybrid and organized by CEPHCIS, UNAM, in Mérida, Mexico.
  • Angourakis, Andreas. 2024. ‘Andros-Spica/UB-Angourakis-2023: Simulación En Arqueología’. Zenodo. Presentation for seminar “Current Trends in Archeology” in the Master in Advanced Studies in Archeology of the University of Barcelona (12/14/2023).

Johannes Jungfleisch’s presentation on “Writings in Nowhere” was honored with a Best Paper Award!

From the Media

We were guests on the podcast UnterIrdisch – the podcast from the House of Archaeology.

In the series “10 minutes with …” we talk with our guests about ReForm, their research and how our guests came to their research disciplines.

Timothy LeCain was also a guest and discussed with presenter Dominic Bachmann why he is “a monster”. And then there was a documentary about “Gold – Jewelry of Kings and Gods”. The documentary was produced with the support of our colleagues from the German Mining Museum Bochum and the Institute for Archaeological Sciences at Ruhr University Bochum.

That's what happened at ReForum - the Early Career Academy:

Johannes Jungfleisch and Andreas Angourakis organized 6 events for the ReForum group this year. The main focus was on reading ReForm-relevant texts and agend-based modeling.

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