Fourth ReTheory Session

Date: 02. November 2022, 16:00 c.t.

Location: Seminarraum 2, Haus der Archäologien, am Bergbaumuseum 31, 44791 Bochum

We are excited to announce the first ReTheory session of the new semester! On November 2, 2022, from 16:00 to 18:00, we welcome everyone interested in the ReForum reading and discussion group. We will meet in
seminar room 2 of the Haus der Archäologien in Bochum.

In the fourth ReTheory session, we will turn to a highly controversial topic that is even finding its way into the newspaper feuilletons: Posthumanism and New Materialism. With a focus on archaeology, we will discuss selected articles from a recent special issue ‘Debating Posthumanism in Archaeology’ of
the Cambridge Archaeological Journal (Volume 31/3, 2021).

The five articles selected are as follows:

Fernández-Götz, Manuel, Andrew Gardner, Guillermo Díaz de Liaño, and Oliver J.T. Harris. „Posthumanism in Archaeology: An Introduction“. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 31, Nr. 3 (2021): 455–59.

Crellin, Rachel J., and Oliver J.T. Harris. „What Difference Does Posthumanism Make?“ Cambridge Archaeological Journal 31, Nr. 3 (2021): 469–75.

Witmore, Christopher. „Finding Symmetry? Archaeology, Objects, and Posthumanism“. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 31/3 (2021): 477–85.

Van Dyke, Ruth M. „Ethics, Not Objects“. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 31, Nr. 3 (2021): 487–93.

Díaz de Liaño, Guillermo, and Manuel Fernández-Götz. „Posthumanism, New Humanism and Beyond“. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 31, Nr. 3 (2021): 543–49.

A recent review of Posthumanism in a weekly paper can be found here.

If you do not have access to the readings (the article in the Zeit too), please let us know by email, and we will provide you with a download link. We will also arrange a hybrid setup if you want to join virtually.

Until then, good reading!

Andreas Angourakis and Johannes Jungfleisch

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