ReForm Scholars

About ReForm Scholars

ReForm Scholars enables scientists at any career level to associate themselves with the Leibniz Science Campus “ReForm”, to participate in campus events and help shape the discourse on the connection between people and resources. 

Scholars can declare unfunded research projects as ReForm Pilot Projects and apply for auxiliary financial support to cover travel-related expenses (academic events, fieldwork) and direct research costs.

See how to become a ReForm Scholar, declare a Pilot Project, or apply for support here.

application process for ReForm Scholars and Pilot Project funding

ReForm Scholars

Anamarija Belošić
Hernan Flores
Hernan Flores
Portrait von Nikolas Heil
Nikolas Heil
Christian Hirsch
Christian Hirsch
Julia Mariko Jacoby
Julia Mariko Jacoby
Paul Krause
Mitja Musberg
Mitja Musberg
Tobias B. Skowronek
Fabian Schapals
Carmen Stähler
Carmen Maria Stähler
Portrait Goitom W. Tekle
Goitom W. Tekle
Marie Usadel
Marie Usadel
Constanze von Wrangel