Exploring human mineral interaction
Techno-functional approaches to extracting and processing mineral resources" 16th – 19th of November 2023
From November 16th to November 19th, ReForm funding enabled me to participate in the international Symposium “Exploring human mineral interaction – Techno-functional approaches to extracting and processing mineral resources” held at the University of Innsbruck, Austria.
Lectures on prehistoric resource acquisition, practice theory, experimental archaeology and new methodological approaches to use-wear analysis by researchers from all across Europe offered a broad spectrum of insight and evoked fruitful discussions among the participants.
The Symposium provided a great opportunity to network with international scholars and discuss ideas as well as methodological challenges of resource archaeology and its material complexes (e.g. stone tools). The discussion about stone tools used for the extraction and processing of mineral resources were of particular interest to me, as I am primarily concerned with this group of finds in my material studies in southwestern Sardinia.
On the second day of the Symposium, a corresponding excursion to the mining museum and a prehistoric mine in the area of Brixlegg provided great insights into the local techniques of resource extraction – fire setting for example. In particular, the excursion offered a great opportunity to familiarise with the Fahlore mining in the geological formation of “Schwazer Dolomit“, which is typical for this region.
Overall, by participating in the symposium I was able to make valuable research contacts while also further developing my methodological training on the focus of my dissertation. I would like to thank the organisers, Isabella Caricola and Aydin Abar, for hosting the symposium and hope to attend other similar events on this topic in the future.

Besichtigung einer prähistorischen Grube im Schwazer Dolomit

Die Teilnehmenden vor dem Museum in Brixlegg

Mitja Musberg
promoviert zum Thema „Prehistoric Mining in Sardinia - Mining and Raw Materials Archaeological Research Approaches to Resource Appropriation Using the Example of the Sulcitana“ und ist seit 2022 Mitglied bei ReForum.