Dietary patterns and food production in the early-mid Neolithic Societies

Dietary Patterns and Food production in the early-mid Neolithic Societies

Goitom W. Tekle

ReForm Scholar

The critical systems and processes that shape human historical and environmental spheres. A lifelong fascination inspires my research interest in the broad natural-cultural interplay. I intend to apply interdisciplinary research approaches with a focus on organic and analytical techniques to tackle questions: (i) dietary patterns, (ii) food production and processing, and (iii) agricultural production and social systems in the neolithic.

For my M.A. study, which I am also planning to extend to my PhD, I plan to use archaeological biomarkers (Stable isotopes and ancient molecules) to identify food remains from archaeological contexts to understand and characterize the food residue and to examine dietary patterns and food economy in the Neolithic societies. This would require advanced archaeometric training and hands-on analysis of organic residues. The dynamic and interdisciplinary nature of Archaeological studies at Bochum University programs allows students like me to apply my extensive training as an archaeologist to reconstruct the dietary patterns and food economy in the past.

My study in Bochum is supported by DAAD, Hilde Domin Program, under the supervision of Prof. Dr Constance von Rüden at the institute of Archaeological studies. Dr Constance Von Rüden’s experience in the Mediterranean Neolithisation and her expertise in trans-cultural Landscape archaeology would help me design my research and methodologies from a multi-disciplinary dynamic perspective. Her mentor-ships are a continuous inspiration to advance my opportunities to apply my paleo-anthropological training and understanding of Neolithic economies in the Mediterranean and adjacent regions of Africa.